The hacker claims 6,937,081 dropbox accounts have been hacked and is demanding bitcoin donations to continue more leaks; However, Dropbox is denying any hacks on the service. According to a statement sent to TheNextWeb, the cloud storage company blames third party services for any security breaches that could have resulted in the hack; MORE BITCOIN = MORE ACCOUNTS PUBLISHED ON PASTEBIN. As more BTC is donated, More pastebin pastes will appear. To find them, simply search for “DROPBOX HACKED” and you. Will see any additional pastes as they are published.” the hacker posted.

What you can do

As with any online hacks, the first thing you want to do if you’re subscribed to that service is to change your password instantly. This will ensure that the hacks don’t get access to your data easily as your service provider does more beefing up.